here some news from his mom,
yesterday dirk went to the hospital to check up his blood level, after the chemo, and yes it was okee , but into the evening he developed a high fever, and this morning the fever wash high again so we called the hospital , they said you have to come because they dont wont to take any risk and whe neither. so we went en yes very shit he had to low bloodlevel and he he has a bad cold and inflammation into his jaw, so he has to stay again in the hospital.
today they starded with antybioticis en tomorrow he is going to get two bags off blood whe hope he gets well fast so he can come home monday or tuesday, 19 december he has to start his fourth chemo session, and than two more his chemo is called D.i.m.e THEY ARE VERY HEAVY in february at the end off these chemo. he is going tho have an amputastion off hiss legg, about have his upperlegg, after that he needs 8 more chemo sessions, only these are less heavier sessions
pleace keep sending dirk things and postcard whe are so greatfull it makes his day he lives bye it you all make his day, the comments the post cards the pressents, he lives by it knowing that there are people that miss him and care about him many thanks his mom and pleace pray for him he needs it and whe to